‘Real worry for Australians’: Concerns interest rate cuts could be ‘pushed off further’

‘Real worry for Australians’: Concerns interest rate cuts could be ‘pushed off further’

GXO Strategies Director Cameron Miller says the interest rate cuts that Australia “desperately need” could be” pushed off further and further”.

Mr Miller’s comments come after the annual rate of inflation in the March quarter fell to 3.6 per cent.

He said it’s in the “right direction” in terms of that “massive headline inflationary number”.

“But yes it’s intractable inflation at the moment, we need to keep fighting, we need to keep putting downward pressure,” he said.

“It’s not just our economy, other economies are suffering as well.

“It does mean that those interest rate cuts that we so desperately need could be pushed off further and further and that’s a really worry for all Australians.”
Credit to : Sky News Australia