Not going to end up in jail : Outgoing Woolworths CEO receives possible Prison Warning

‘Not going to end up in jail’: Outgoing Woolworths CEO receives possible prison warning

Outgoing Woolworths Chief Executive Brad Banducci is probably “not going to end up in jail,” says competition lawyer and former ACCC chair Allan Fels.

Mr Fels’ comments come after the Woolworth boss was warned by Greens Senator Nick McKim during the supermarket Senate inquiry that he could face prison time for being in contempt.

“He’s not going to end up in jail – he shouldn’t have a sleepless night,” Mr Fels told Sky News Australia.

“I think the ultimate answers to these questions will be found in another inquiry – the ACCC inquiry.

“Which has got much deeper powers to it to investigate, to get to the bottom of things, to measure profits and markups and so on.”
Credit to : Sky News Australia