Matt Canavan calls for Australia to get out of ‘ridiculous façade’ of emissions reduction

Matt Canavan calls for Australia to get out of ‘ridiculous façade’ of emissions reduction

Nationals Senator Matt Canavan has called for Australia to get out of the “whole ridiculous façade” of emissions reduction.

Opposition leader Peter Dutton says he will not quit the Paris Accord or give up on net zero.

It is understood Mr Dutton’s recent dismissal of the 2030 climate target was due to the goal being unachievable.

“I think we should get out of this whole ridiculous façade,” Mr Canavan told Sky News Australia.

“It is a façade because no other country in the world is really taking this seriously except Australia.

“It is costing Australian families a fortune because, ever since we signed up to net zero emissions and this 2030 target, prices have gone through the roof.”
Credit to : Sky News Australia