AI news poachers are littering the internet. We hunt them down

AI news poachers are littering the internet

0:00 – AI unmasked
Four AI-run news sites, including League Initiative and F1 Initiative, are taken down after we identify the host of the web server.
4:29 – Furry fury
Adelaide Advertiser’s unsourced, front-page story about a police officer who ‘identifies as a furry’ sends Sky News over the edge.
7:00 – AFR v Stokes
The Financial Review to stop selling its print edition in WA after Seven West Media doubles the cost to print the newspaper.
10:11 – Sunrise vax scare
Sunrise teases a ‘serious new side effect’ of the AstraZeneca vaccine only to be proven wrong by a GP live on air
#ABCNewsIndepth #ABCNewsAustralia
Credit to : ABC News In-depth